you are enough



A hymn to self-love. In her new single, INANA frees herself from ideals of beauty and digital performativity and confirms: “You are enough”. With her unmistakable urban beats (producer: Iva Zabkar) and synthesizer melodies, INANA provides another foretaste of her LP “I’m here”, which will be released in autumn 2022. “You are enough” is about reconnecting with yourself, trusting in your uniqueness and the awareness that we are all good and enough. The hook for the artist was the superficiality that is often lived in the social media world and the associated comparison with other, supposedly “more successful” people. INANA criticizes mainstream society and its common expectations, which always want to see women and people read as female in a positive, performance-oriented, self-confident way and according to the common ideal of beauty.

“You are enough” is an empowering statement to find your way back to yourself and your own inner voice that says “You are enough.“

Release day: 29.4.22



INANAs Hauptmerkmal ist die zarte, aber gleichzeitig starke Stimme, die auf zeitgenössische, urbane Beats trifft und mit dreamy Melodien perfekt abgerundet wird. Sie gehört damit zu den Vertreter*innen einer neuen, female-fronted Musikszene in Wien, die ihre Musik überwiegend mit Frauen bzw. Flinta*s produziert. “You are enough” ist von Komponistin und Produzentin Iva Zabkar realisiert, die zuletzt erneut internationale Preise für ihr Schaffen erhielt. Beide sind Teil des Labels Beatzarilla, das sich für die Förderung von Frauen bzw. FLINTA*s in der österreichischen Musikbranche einsetzt.

Während es in INANAs letzter Singleauskoppelung noch um die erste Mutterschaft ging, geht es in “You are enough” um ein brandaktuelles Thema: Die Verbundenheit zu sich selbst und zur inneren Stimme. Der Chorus ist daher empowernde Hymne und Selbstliebe-Mantra schlechthin:

In this world there will be no other to give
Trust yourself and it will guide you
This cruel world full of hidden dangers
You are, you are enough



Künstlerin: INANA
Titel: You Are Enough
Format: Single (digital)
Datum: FR, 29.04.20212
Kat. Nr.: BZS010
Lyrics: Nina Braith
Komposition: Nina Braith, Iva Zabkar
Produktion: Iva Zabkar
Mix: Alexander Vatagin, Iva Zabkar, Nina Braith
Master: Testa (Lukas Ljubanovic)
Vocals: Nina Braith
Keys & Programming: Iva Zabkar
Foto: Raphael Schall
Cover Artwork: Raphael Schall
©️ & ℗ 2021 Beatzarilla | Copyright Control



INANA – You Are Enough

This digital world is full of artificial, perfect faces
Disconnected from our roots an all of our human traces
Why don’t start to see our imperfections as real attractions
To live our lives and not just the digital reflections

Trust your inner voice
Just be yourself
You’ll find a way
To live how
You want to live
Give what you have to give

In this world there will be no other (to give)
Trust yourself and it will guide you
This cruel world full of hidden dangers (to give)
Trust in trust in yourself
In this world there will be no other to give
Trust yourself and it will guide you
This cruel world full of hidden dangers
You are, you are enough

You are enough
You are enough
Just trust in yourself ohh
In yourself
You are
You are enough ooh
You are enough
Trust in yourself self in yourself ohh

Give what you have to give 3x

In this world there will be no other (to give)
Trust yourself and it will guide you
This cruel world full of hidden dangers (to give)
Trust in trust in yourself
In this world there will be no other to give
Trust yourself and it will guide you
This cruel world full of hidden dangers
You are, you are enough

Inner voice just
You’ll find a way
You want to live



Directed, filmed and edited by Raphael Schall 

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